quarta-feira, novembro 21, 2007

OrgulhoHetero.com em inglês

«The building block of Western civilization has been the Nuclear Family. StraightPride.com staffers, like billions of others living out our 'lifestyle,' believe that family, morals, and pro-creation are the backbone of our well-being.

We are not homophobic.
We do not hate gays.

StraightPride.com IS against gay marriage and civil unions. Why? That is an easy question to answer- the well being of CHILDREN. It is an undisputable fact that the best home for children is an intact, two-parent, married mom (female) and dad (male).

Sexes are not interchangeable. Boys cannot learn how to become healthy men from even the most loving mother (or pair of mothers) alone. And girls cannot learn how to become healthy women from even the most loving father (or pair of fathers) alone. Weakening the family and undermining the values that support it will ultimately destroy our society and dramatically impact religious civil liberties.

Weakening the family harms individuals, and especially children. We should always want and ask for the best for our children - we should never settle. By legalizing same-sex marriages, and/or allowing civil unions, we are saying that these 'same-sex marriages/unions' are the same as man and woman marriages, that they're equal. Well, they're not. It can not be argued that a child brought into a same-sex 'union' will have the same benefit as motherhood and fatherhood. StraightPride.com believes that it is wrong to re-define a marriage and a sacred 5,000-year old institution. Please visit our 'Save America' section - and decide for yourself how best to put a stop to gay marriages and civil unions.

This is Straight Pride dot com»
Ainda bem que nos calhou antes a cervejita das tunas... mesmo.

4 comentários:

Pedro Fontela disse...


Anónimo disse...

Ainda que as premissas sobre a educação infantil fossem válidas, isso significa que filhos de viúvos(as) devem ser retirados do pai ou da mãe que lhes sobrou e adotados por casais?

Nuno disse...

Q conversa reaccionária de sotaina e de ir ao grego! Ca nojo!

Anónimo disse...

Isto deverá querer dizer que um par de mães só poderá ter filhas, porque assim com duas mães vão poder ser as súper-mulheres que as outras mulheres criadas por pai e mãe não são, e que um par de homens só poderá ter filhos porque uma maior injecção de pai na vida fá-los-á os grandes homens que os outros homens criados por pai e mãe não são.

Também deverá querer dizer que qualquer família mono-parental, quer por acidente ou por escolha, não é bem-vinda.

Que tristeza.
